Corporate Hospitality Services

Corporate Hospitality Services: Providing Qualified Staff & Available Jobs

Corporate Hospitality
At Household Staffing International, we are frequently called upon for our corporate hospitality services. Our specialized services in this field allow us to satisfy the needs of our corporate clients and applicants, assisting them with their corporate hospitality staff or their need for a corporate hospitality job.

Although each company has needs unique to their executives, the following four roles encompass most of our corporate hospitality service requests:

Corporate Office Matron Services

Some of the responsibilities of an Office Matron include:

  • Dusting furniture, window sills, counters, etc.
  • Wiping down glass doors and door handles
  • Wet mopping kitchen, gym and bathroom floors
  • Gathering and emptying kitchen, gym and private bathroom trash
  • Monitoring bathrooms and kitchens for any spills, water, etc.
  • Loading and unload dishwashers
  • Disinfecting kitchen sinks and dishwashers
  • Cleaning and restocking private bathrooms
  • Cleaning all office tables, chairs, and desks nightly

Corporate Hospitality Butler Responsibilities

  • Various of the duties of a corporate butler are:
  • Responsible for the smooth running of the executive offices
  • Ensure efficiency, harmony, and morale encouraged and maintained throughout the office
  • Personal care of executives and guests, supervising staff and also providing services her/himself or in any number of capacities
  • Overseeing corporate hospitality staff members, including management and performance reviews
  • Engaging and overseeing outside contractors, service providers and suppliers
  • Maintaining the executive dining rooms and board rooms on regular and routine basis
  • Overall security and communication systems
  • Reception and cosseting of guests
  • Serving of refreshments and meals
  • Maintaining fine silver, china, antiques, and other items
  • Stock kitchen and office supplies
  • Deep clean the entire office (vacuuming, scrubbing, polishing, mopping, dusting, etc.)
  • Clean all refrigerators
  • Act as a back-up to Office Manager
  • Work with outside vendors on maintenance issues

Corporate Chauffeur Services

Similar to private chauffeurs, a corporate hospitality chauffeur is responsible for driving executive individuals, their clients, and/or board members to and from their daily activities, which may include various business and social functions.

Some corporate hospitality chauffeur services are also asked to perform security duties and many have past employment with law enforcement agencies and have a valid carry permit (weapon). Many families and high profile individuals see the value in these types of chauffeurs.

Crave Our Corporate Hospitality Chef Services

A corporate hospitality chef is a culinary professional whose job is to provide private chef services for a corporation’s top executives, board members and clients. They can work in one location or at multiple locations.

Some of the specific responsibilities of a private corporate chef are:

  • Preparing daily meals for executives, clients and staff
  • Customizing menus for employers with special dietary needs
  • Coordinating cooking and serving times with employers
  • Shopping for meals and snacks
  • Keeping the kitchen clean
  • Keeping the corporate dining room clean
  • Being familiar with the likes and dislikes of employers
  • Keeping up-to-date on the latest culinary trends and fads
  • Anticipating their employers needs
  • Creating high-quality, nutritious meals
  • Working within the budget
  • Acting as a caterer for special events and holidays
  • Ensuring that the freshest ingredients are used
  • Properly storing ingredients and leftovers
  • Keeping records and receipts of all food purchases
  • Maintaining all kitchen equipment
  • Working with the client on menu planning
  • Manage wine collections and “pairing”

If you’re interested in acquiring the right corporate hospitality staffing services for your company, get started by filling out our application.

For those interested in finding a corporate hospitality job, visit our page For Applicants and take the next step in finding the position best suited to your qualifications.