Case Study:

Sophisticated Senior Couple Needed Top Tier Winter/Summer Homes Domestic Staff.

Sophisticated senior couple looking for top tier domestic/household help for their country home in the Hamptons and winter home in Palm Beach, Florida.

Client Background:

Sophisticated senior couple

The Challenge:

Sophisticated senior couple living between two distinct properties looking to hire domestic help. The challenge was to find experienced candidates who had a combination of hands on and managerial skills, which could work harmoniously together and also travel with the clients.

The Approach:

The goal was to find an experienced couple with a long term, glowing references that had combination of hands on and managerial skills as well as flexibility to live between two states. A meticulous housekeeper, an excellent laundress and a very good cook who could do small parties as well as an all-around houseman who, in addition to his managerial duties, would do heavier cleaning on a daily basis, knew how to serve properly at the table and an experienced chauffeur who is used to driving his employer to various destinations and is handy at repairs and maintenance.

The Result:

We identified the domestic couple who recently became available after working for 10 years for one employer. The past 10 years they worked for the same family and have an impeccable reference. The client is happy with the results and we hope to be able to render similar assistance to both their family and friends.