• Household Staffing Interview Tips: Importance of Letters of Recommendation: Episode 10

    Household Staffing Interview Tips: Importance of Letters of Recommendation: Episode 10

    At Household Staffing International, we are always more impressed with a household staffing candidate if they have letters of recommendation. These reference letters tell a potential employer that you are important enough to take the time and write a letter or, in some cases simply […]


  • Household Staffing Interview Tips: Choose the Right Interview Clothing: Episode 9

    Household Staffing Interview Tips: Choose the Right Interview Clothing: Episode 9

    Wondering what to wear when interviewing for a household staffing position? Some obvious no-no’s include: Mini skirts Tank tops Tight clothing Overly baggy clothing Hats It is important to wear clothes that fit.  You are interviewing for a household staffing position and need to look professional […]


  • Household Staffing Interview Tips: Discussing Your Job References: Episode 8

    Household Staffing Interview Tips: Discussing Your Job References: Episode 8

    Not every position is perfect and not every employer is a saint.  Like most of us, you may have had a bad experience with a former employer.   How you explain your former positions and former families is very important and you need to be prepared, […]


  • Household Staffing Interview Tips: Body Language: Episode 7

    Household Staffing Interview Tips: Body Language: Episode 7

    Shake a potential employer’s hand in a professional way.   This means a firm grip, not a “dead fish” grip. Shake their hand and look them in the eye and tell them it is a pleasure to meet with them and thank them for taking the […]


  • Household Staffing Interview Tips: What to Share & What Not to Share: Episode 6

    Household Staffing Interview Tips: What to Share & What Not to Share: Episode 6

    Interviews should be focused on your professional experiences and capabilities and ultimately, how that relates to the position you are interviewing for.   Your personal problems and issues should not come up in an interview.   An interview is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to […]


  • Being on Time for an Interview: Episode 5

    Being on Time for an Interview: Episode 5

    You may question why people make such a big deal out of being on time sometimes, whether you’re a household nanny, or someone who works a desk job. If you’re ten minutes late, the world won’t end, right? The world? No. Your career? Maybe. Being […]


  • Nanny Resume Tips: Episode 4

     As a nanny, your resume is a very important aspect of your job search and time needs to be made to ensure a successful resume.   At Household Staffing International, we define a successful resume by how accurately it describes your past experiences and your present […]


  • One Minute Nanny Interview Tips Social Media Facebook etc..

    One Minute Nanny Interview Tips Social Media Facebook etc..

    I cannot tell you how many times I interview a candidate that looks great on paper only to find his or her online profile and background alarming to say the least.   We are servants working in homes setting a tone, an example and families are […]


  • Nanny Interview Tips Outgoing Phone Message

    Nanny Interview Tips Outgoing Phone Message

    Outgoing Phone Message-It’s not Rocket Science. You have a professional Nanny resume and  email address and when prospective employers call you about a nanny job and you are not available, your voice mail picks up.  This is another form of communication that you can control. […]