What Makes a Good Nanny and How You Can Be One?

Published: 04/18/2022

Nanny and two young children sitting together on sofaCaring for children is a privilege but also a huge challenge that not everyone is cut out for. It takes more than just a basic love for children to work as a nanny, a fact that we understand very well since we’ve been the leading nanny staffing agency since 1974!


Do YOU have what it takes to be a great nanny? Read on to learn how to be a good nanny and have a fulfilling relationship with the children you care for and their parents.

Always Patient and Kind

Kids of all ages have a way of testing the patience of everyone they come into contact with. Nannies must have an endless supply of patience and be kind to children even when they are frustrated and exhausted.


Lots of Energy

Little ones seem to have an endless supply of energy, which a good nanny will need to keep with. Whether that energy is fueled by natural adrenaline or with an extra cup of coffee, nannies need to always be on their toes and ready for anything.


A Nurturing Spirit

Good nannies are nurturing and make children feel safe and comfortable. This is an especially important tip for how to be a good nanny for an infant who depends on caregivers for basic needs and early affection.


Creative Activity Ideas

So, what does a nanny do to pass the time with kids during the day? The best nannies are wonderfully creative and always have new and exciting ideas for things to do. This might include craft projects, outdoor games in the yard, park playdates, and clever ways to get kids doing chores.

Responsible and Trustworthy

But it’s not all fun and games when it comes to being a good nannies. Parents must be able to 100% trust a nanny when they are not home, rely on a nanny to show up on time, and depend on a nanny when times get tough.


Flexibility and Adaptability

Every day is an adventure when you’re taking care of kids, so nannies need to be prepared for their schedules to be thrown off without any notice. When nannies are flexible and adaptable, they can adjust to situations as they arise and look on the bright side of every day.


Able to Stay Calm in an Emergency

Kids are prone to getting hurt and sick, so a good nanny should be trained in basic first aid, CPR, and medical care. Good nannies know how to keep their cool when something goes wrong with a child and get the necessary help right away.


Find Your Ideal Nanny Job with Household Staffing International

If you have all of these qualities and desire a career that involves caring for children, then you might be a good candidate to work with Household Staffing International to find employment as a nanny. We work with the very best nannies in the industry and offer many nanny job listings on our website.

We encourage qualified nanny candidates fill out our household staff job application, where you can upload your resume and tell us all about the amazing skills that will make you a great fit for a family. We look forward to pairing you with a loving family and wonderful children that will give you both personal and professional satisfaction every day!