Top Tips When Having a Baby During a Pandemic

Published: 08/28/2020

mother holding newborn babyHaving a baby is one of the most magical and exhaustive adventures in your life.  Keeping A child healthy is hard enough on any given day. But let’s face the obvious: we are in a global pandemic right now. Suddenly the worries about having a baby are tenfold. What if Mom gets sick? What if Dad gets sick? Can I still breastfeed? What about family? Will my newborn test positive for Covid-19?

It is important to be concerned, but it can be harmful to panic and cause more stress on baby. Follow these ten tips for staying safe while having a baby during a pandemic. Discuss with your doctor any specific issues or challenges you are experiencing.

1. Stay home as much as possible! 

This is a tough one, but it could be the most important one. If you stay home and focus on making the nursery perfect, you will automatically be staying away from people while getting one big task done before the baby. It’s a win-win situation!

2. Wear your mask.

I know, I know. Wearing your mask can feel suffocating at times. In most areas where the Covid-19 is active, any mask covering the nose and mouth is suitable. You can purchase thin, breathable ones locally or off the internet inexpensively. Look for ones that are printed in fun patterns and always have extras around just in case one gets misplaced.

3. Use hand sanitizer and/or wash your hands.

Hand sanitizer is very useful when you are away from home and are unable to wash your hands. Many people have made their own hand sanitizer from rubbing alcohol and aloe vera, which has made those items difficult to come by. Tip: Try asking store associates if they have any. You may luck out to discover there is a secret stash in the back or behind the counter specifically for people that look like they need it (ahem: pregnancy).

4. Stay away from people.

Social distancing calls for people to stay six feet away from each other. If you are having a baby, you don’t want someone’s stray sneeze to cause you to catch a cold, much less the Covid-19. Pretend everybody is sick and steer clear.

5. Look into working remotely.

Some professions will not allow their employees to work from home, especially if you are an essential worker. Perhaps an employer will make an exception, especially if you are having a baby. It does not hurt to ask. It may also be a good time to switch jobs if what you are doing right now isn’t making you happy.

6. Get others to do your shopping.

This is perfect for those that hate shopping. Is your mother-in-law stopping by all the time, wanting to help with their new future grandchild? Put her to good use and send her shopping. Or use one of the online shopping options and have your groceries show up at your door.

7. Order online.

If you can, try to order online for now. Needless to say, there are plenty of shopping options for both big and small businesses. Or, order online and pick up your items at the curb.

8. Limit time with family and friends.

This one is tough. But you are having a baby and you need to be thinking about safety. Think about how safe your families and friends are. Are they working remotely and trying to stay away from others? That’s one thing. Are they working with others and going to parties on the weekend? Maybe those people are not so safe. One thing is to be sure: You must be your baby’s advocate. Luckily, there are plenty of other options for staying connected like calling, texting, social media, and other video platforms so that you can socialize while being safe.

9. Stay healthy by being healthy.

Keep it simple. Try to eat healthily and get exercise. Do you live where you can get outside and exercise without coming into contact with people? Perfect! Make sure you get enough sleep, especially because you’ve likely heard that you won’t be sleeping much after the baby comes. Do you know someone who is dramatic? This might be the perfect time to give that relationship a rest.  If your body is healthy, you might be less sick and recover faster if you do test positive for Covid-19.

10. Have a plan.

Be prepared when you are ready to head to the hospital. Steer clear of people, have masks ready, and don’t share that elevator. Your gynecologist will likely have plenty of advice to give to stay safe during your stay. Ask questions if anything seems confusing for you. Sign up to Download a free E book on “Creating Your Ideal Birth Plan Here

For more birth, parenting tips and support, consider taking a course at  Use coupon code HouseholdStaffing for 20% off your subscription

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We wish you the best during this incredible time in your life.

Seth Norman Greenberg

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