Tips for Working from Home with a Baby and Being Productive

Published: 11/30/2020

mother working from home with baby

Across a wide variety of industries, professionals have been working from home all throughout the year and doing their best to stay productive. There’s no denying that working from home is a challenge due to all the distractions, technology mishaps, and staying motivated without a boss and coworkers around. But when you add a baby to the mix, getting anything done can feel downright impossible!

If you’re trying to find balance between your job and being a new parent, here are some productivity tips for working from home with a baby.

Strive for a Consistent Nap Schedule for High-Focus Work

Let’s be honest, trying to get work done on your laptop with a baby who’s crying or starting to become mobile and getting into everything can feel anything but productive. You might also feel guilty about neglecting your child’s needs while you split your attention between playtime and responding to emails.

Naps aren’t just great for babies, they’re great for working parents too! Try to get your baby on a regular nap schedule by creating an abbreviated bedtime routine for a nap in the morning and a nap in the afternoon. Save your work tasks that require the most focus for these times of day so that you are less distracted and more productive with your job.

Wear Your Baby in Carrier and Use a Standing Work Station

If your little one enjoys close contact and being carried, you can also get work done while strapping on a front-facing carrier and propping your laptop up on a standing work station. This strategy is often most effective if you start off by walking around the house or doing some light housework while your baby is the carrier to let the motion lull him or her to sleep. This is also a good time to make work calls if your baby isn’t being too noisy. Then once your baby has drifted off to sleep (or at least calmed down to a restful state), try standing at your work station on the kitchen countertop to get a few things done.

Adjust Your Work Schedule Around Baby’s Schedule

Working from home with a baby rarely looks like a typical 9-5 job. To accommodate your little one’s eating, napping, playtime, and bedtime schedule, you may need to work at different hours of the day, such as before 7am or after 7pm. It may also be necessary to get a few hours of work done on the weekends to make up for missed work time on weekdays. Talk with your employer about schedule flexibility so that you can work around baby’s schedule and get in some hours of work whenever it’s most practical for you.

Ask for Help When You Need It

If you are struggling to keep up with work tasks and also take care of your baby at home, you are definitely not alone! New moms and dads may need to take shifts to work at different times of day, scale back on the assignments they take on, rely on a family member to step in, or hire a trusted childcare professional to take care of the baby while they work.

Many new parents have been contacting Household Staffing International lately to inquire about our babynurse services. A babynurse can do everything from feeding to diapering, getting your baby on a good nap schedule, and helping your baby reach developmental milestones through engaged play throughout the day. These baby experts are wonderful resources for making sure your little one gets the care and attention needed while you continue to pursue your career and make money for your family.

Contact us today at 212-683-7722 or fill out our online form to tell us more about your family’s needs and ask any questions you have about the trying out a work-from-home situation with an amazing babynurse by your side.

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