The Top 10 Questions to Ask Parents Before Nannying

Published: 10/22/2019

nanny painting with child

When discussing nanny interviews, the focus is often on the questions that parents ask the nanny candidates. However, a nanny’s questions to the parents are just as important to ensure a healthy and happy work environment.

Here are 10 top questions that nannies should ask parents during the nanny interview process to determine whether the job is a good fit.

1. What Duties Are You Looking for a Nanny to Perform?

Nannies are versatile professionals who provide a wide variety of services depending on the needs of the family and nanny’s skills. In the initial job interview, you will want to get a clear idea about what this specific job entails and what is expected of you to ensure that you will enjoy those tasks and do well at them.

2. Can You Describe Your Child’s Normal Routine and Schedule?

Every child has a different routine, so it’s important to get to know an approximate schedule of what you’re working with in a new potential nanny job. Get a good sense of when the children wake up, when they go to school, and what activities they are involved in.

3. How Do You Like to Spend Time with Your Children?

Another one of the top questions to ask parents before nannying is how they spend time with their own kids. This question will give you a sense of how much time the parents and children spend together and what activities are important to the family.

4. What Health Concerns Do I Need to Be Aware of About Your Children?

This is a great question to ask to understand special needs that a child may have, such as food allergies or conditions that require medication. Understand how active the children are and if you will need to administer medicine.

5. How Do You Discipline Your Children?

Since every parent has a different theory on discipline, it is your job as a nanny to understand this and follow the parents’ wishes. Many conflicts between parents and nannies arise because of conflicting discipline strategies.

6. What Are Your Preferred Ways to Communicate?

Whether it’s phone calls, texting, emails, or written reports, find out how the parents prefer to communicate so that you’re always on the same page.

7. What Housekeeping Duties Do You Expect from a Nanny?

As you know, nannies are not housekeepers, but some light housework is expected of most nannies. Find out if parents want you to do the kids’ laundry, dishes, or other household tasks.

8. How Involved Would You Like a Nany to Be with Teachers, Family Events, Etc.?

Some parents give nannies full authority to talk to kids’ teachers and even invite nannies to family social events and vacations. Meanwhile, other nannies play more limited roles in families, so you’ll want to know the situation with this particular family.

9. What Are the Typical Work Days and Hours for the Nanny Job?

Ask questions about the practical nature of the job, such as what days and hours you’re expected to work. Also ask if you are expected to be “on call” or work overtime hours upon request. These are among the most crucial questions to ask parents before nannying in a new home.

10. Have You Had Previous Nannies, and If So, Can I Contact Them as References?

This question can be awkward to ask, but it is an important one to get first-hand knowledge about how these parents are as employers. If parents have had prior nannies but refuse to provide their contact information, it could be a sign of a poor working relationship that could affect you in the future.

If you are a nanny professional looking for a private nanny job, please visit the For Applicants section of our website and complete our application form. For families looking to hire a nanny, please contact us at 212-683-7722 or fill out our online form to tell us more about your nanny needs.

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