The Reasons You Should Hire a Private Educator/Nanny During COVID-19

Published: 10/02/2020

Hire private nanny homeschool teacher

We are all feeling a bit stressed out due to the current COVID-19 pandemic raging around like wildfire. This level of stress extends to all members of our society, from our youngest citizens to our friends who have lived through the Spanish Flu. But one specific person who needs a bit of understanding and help during this time is you, a parent. You’ve had to become a work-at-home mom or dad seemingly overnight, and with schools closed, you do all of this while playing referee to your children as well as a school monitor during the days while your child attends school remotely.


With some schools making the move to open back up, parents are making the strong decision to homeschool their children instead of taking the risk of sending them back.

Because there are so many options available when it comes to homeschooling children, the whole ordeal can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. What better and safer way is there to educate your children during a pandemic than to have an educated professional, who is trained in both the art of child-rearing and academics, take over the teaching reins and offer your children the benefit of in-home instruction? Read on to learn a bit more about how hiring a private nanny can benefit both parents and children in these uncertain times.


By hiring a private education nanny, parents help both themselves and their children. First, this decision benefits children because they can continue on with a formal education where they have access to one-on-one attention. Spending money on an online homeschooling program is not bad, but with the nanny educator, it gives your child a more structured environment to continue with their schooling.

Second, the nanny is there to help parents too. It frees you up to finally be able to work for a couple of hours uninterrupted. You will find that your mindset shifts rapidly once the responsibility of school is no longer resting on your shoulders. This shift gives you the ability to focus and stay on task throughout your workday.


If you happen to be one of the many working parents whose job has reopened, you can rest assured knowing your children are right at home safe while you work. Sending children back into an environment where they come into contact with hundreds of other people a day is extremely nerve-wracking, but it’s an issue that can be avoided altogether by seeking out home-based private education.


Without the help of a nanny, it would be impossible for many parents to work from home. If you aren’t able to work because of childcare issues, you run the risk of losing your job, and without the job, you can face some financial hardships, especially during these times. Although the nanny costs money, the services they offer can be quite affordable, and with this small expense, you get to continue working hard and providing for all of your family’s needs.

Everyone wants to get back to living life the way they did before all of this began. We will get there one day, but for the time being, this is the way it is, and as parents, we must do everything in our power to keep our children safe during the COVID-19 crisis.

For more information on Hiring a Private educated Nanny please contact us here.

Seth Norman Greenberg

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