How to Write a Household Manual and Why It’s Important to Run an Estate?

Published: 05/14/2018

Whether you have an enormous estate with many staff members or just a busy household with competing interests, having a household manual in place can save you countless headaches and hassles. This article will describe what a household manual is, the various things that should be included in a household manual, and why using a household manual template is beneficial.

What Is a Household Manual?

A household manual is a customized guidebook that establishes a standardized approach for homeowners, family members, caretakers, estate managers, and other household staff. Creating such a manual is often the job of a professional estate manager, but some heads of household choose to take on the task themselves. Either way, the purpose of a household manual is to establish guidelines in advance that will lead to optimal hiring decisions, training protocols, and smooth operations on a daily basis. Also, it’s a good idea to update your household manual when your family enters a new phase of life or experiences a significant change in daily activities.

Benefits of Using a Household Manual Template

A household manual is an important resource to ensure the consistency, organization, and efficiency of a home and property. Entire books have been written about how to write a household manual, so you may be able to find a household manual example to follow and make your own. By starting with an established household manual template, you draw upon the accumulated knowledge and experience of other households similar to yours so that you don’t have to struggle through a trial-and-error process.

Manual Sections for Good Household Management

There are a few key sections that belong in every manual for household management, including the following:

Contact List

No one likes searching through multiple cell phones or a phone book to look for important numbers and addresses. Make sure to create a contact list in your household manual with information for children’s schools, doctors, landscapers, handymen, and all household staff members.

Laundry Care Guidelines

Everyone does laundry a bit differently, but consistency is key when running an executive household. In this section, list detergent preferences, loading details, machine troubleshooting tips, and information about how often laundry should be done.

Household Supplies

Your household staff can’t do their jobs properly if they don’t have the tools they need, which is why it’s important to have a section for household supplies in your manual. Make a list of the specific cleaning products, landscaping tools, and other supplies that you prefer so that these can be replenished as needed.

Children and Pets

Your household manual is also a good place to include details about care for children and pets. This may include information about when to walk the dog, when to change the cat litter, when to drop the kids off at school, or household rules involving routines, rewards, and discipline.

Food and Beverage Preferences

If members of your household have specific food and beverage preferences or sensitivities, then you will definitely want to include this information in your manual. Not only will this inclusion keep your family safe, but it will help avoid awkward and unnecessary reiterations of these preferences when a new staff member is hired or takes on a new role.

Emergency Information

Finally, but perhaps most importantly, include emergency information in your household manual to help everyone in your household be prepared if disaster strikes. In this section, make sure to include evacuation procedures and an evacuation checklist that would apply for a wide range of disaster situations.

Is It Time to Hire an Estate Manager?

To actually create a household manual, you will need a significant amount of time on your hands, not to mention supplies like a three-ring binder, three-hole punch, labels, dividers, paper, and storage boxes. If you don’t have time for this sort of endeavor, then perhaps it’s time to hire an estate manager who is skilled manual creation and overall household management to follow the guidelines set in place.

At Household Staffing International, we work with many highly skilled estate managers who can not only create a manual for you, but also administer the full operations of your property, interview household staff, supervise work vendors, and much more. Contact us today to learn about how an estate manager can serve your needs and make your daily life much easier and more enjoyable!


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