Creating a List of Personal Goals

Published: 01/15/2014

There are several times a year I get inspired to take an honest inventory of my life, my life situation and with the direction in which I am heading. After speaking with my support group (an informal group of friends/acquaintances to sound off ideas, experiences and dreams) and family members, it was agreed that this is not an isolated thought. In fact, most people I spoke with about goals and list creating have either successfully implemented a list of personal goals into their daily lives or think it’s a great way to stay focused and hold oneself accountable.

Lists Provide a Framework for Success

I find holidays and more specifically the New Year to be a great time to sit down and invest (mentally, emotionally and physically) in defining my goals, the role that I need to fulfill in order to achieve these goals, and the actions I need to take. I am careful to realistically define what I want and break it down further into the short, medium and long term goals/behaviors that are required.

If you believe you may be waning or aren’t sure that your thoughts and actions are compatible with your goals and intentions, you can pull out your goal list to find clarity and get back on track. If one truly has a goal, then that goal will be a motivating force, more powerful and more drawing than the pervasive distractions and monkey wrenches that we are barraged with daily. The lists are for frequent review (sometimes daily). It’s all about personal accountability, and creating an action plan brings this into focus.

Creating an Action Plan for Personal Accountability 

When this simple technique is implemented into our lives, it creates amazing results. I encourage all of you to write down your goals along with the short, medium and long term action plan required to achieve them. Try it for thirty days and it will change your life. One warning; being more in control of your goals and behavior is very addicting.

If finding a new nanny job, babynurse job, housekeeper job or household staffing position is on your list of goals, Household Staffing International would like to assist you. And if finding a new household staffing employee will allow you to better achieve your list of goals, we’re here to help. Contact Household Staffing International online or call 212-683-7722 and begin to make your goals a reality.

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