Being on Time for an Interview: Episode 5

Published: 10/22/2013

You may question why people make such a big deal out of being on time sometimes, whether you’re a household nanny, or someone who works a desk job. If you’re ten minutes late, the world won’t end, right? The world? No. Your career? Maybe. Being on time has less to do with the hands on the clock and more to do with how you connect with other people. At Household Staffing International, we send dozens of nannies on interviews every week, and it astounds us that candidates can be incredibly late for an interview. It reflects poorly on your character The job and a job interview are two places where you should never be late. Read on to know why being on time for a job interview is highly important!

Why You Should Never Be Late for a Job Interview

When you arrive late for a job interview, you reveal a lot about your character and work ethic to potential employers.

Failing to arrive on time for an interview can be an indicator of your poor attention to detail. It also demonstrates that you don’t respect people’s time, as disrespect is commonly implied by a lack of punctuality. The last thing you want to do is give interviewers that impression, especially when working in a service line. Regardless of how qualified or suitable you are for a job, arriving late to a job interview, not being prepared, or not showing consideration for others will probably mean the difference between getting a job offer or receiving a rejection letter.

Should You Arrive Early to a Job Interview?

It is highly advised that you arrive for your job interview not only on time but also early. It’s recommended to arrive 10 to 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled interview slot.

This is due to the fact that the time indicated for your job interview is the time it actually begins, but being on time and ready to meet the interviewer is a way to demonstrate respect.

Tell the person who welcomes you when you arrive that you are a few minutes early. Employers will notice you more favorably if you arrive a little early and let them know you’re early. Here are a few more benefits of being on time for an interview.

Arriving Early for an Interview Provides You with Time to Relax

It’s normal to experience some anxiety before an interview. You might be concerned about making it there on time, finding the right place, or even being able to respond to typical interview questions. Your anxieties will lessen once you arrive on time, and you can concentrate on clearing your head and building confidence prior to the job interview.

You’ll be Ready for the Interviewer Once They Are

Throughout the process, your interviewer may speak with a number of other candidates. You want to reduce any stress they may be under while handling your interview. As such, being punctual will be highly valued by your interviewer.

You’ll Have Time to Prepare for the Interview by Arriving Early

You will have one final chance to review your notes and get ready if you arrive too early.

Being too early is the only drawback. However, this isn’t a bad situation. When this happens, take the time to locate the interview location before going to a nearby area to get ready, such as by reading the job description and learning more about your potential employer.

What to Do If You Are Late to a Job Interview

You should avoid being late to a job interview at all costs, but if an unexpected event comes up, do the following:

  • Call the hiring manager’s office and let them know when you are likely to arrive.
  • In the event that the new timing is unacceptable to the hiring manager, be prepared to possibly reschedule or cancel the interview.
  • When you get there, pause for a moment to breathe and compose yourself before going in.
  • Don’t give a detailed explanation for your tardiness unless it’s a very good one; it shouldn’t have happened, so you shouldn’t spend time bringing it up again. Instead, sincerely apologize over the phone and when you arrive before moving on.
  • Throughout the remaining stages of the interview process, demonstrate your manners and politeness.
  • In your thank you letter following your job interview, express your regret once more.

Tips for Being on Time for an Interview

  • Plan your route to your job interview in advance.
  • Give yourself extra time to get where you’re going.
  • Aim to arrive at your destination at least 10 minutes earlier.
  • Remember to set your alarm the night before, especially if your interview is taking place in the morning.

While it may seem trivial, punctuality can actually make or break the outcome of your job interview, so keep these tips in mind as you head into the next one!

If you have a topic or idea that has not been covered in our blog, or if you have any questions, contact us online! Good luck in your search for a new position.

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