4 Signs Seniors Need A Personal Assistant

Published: 02/05/2023

4 Signs Seniors Need A Personal Assistant

As people age, it can become more and more difficult to do everyday tasks. The gradual decline in physical abilities, health issues, or cognitive restrictions can eventually impact the amount of independence seniors have. It becomes more difficult for them to admit their need for assistance and accept it. How will you know when your elderly parent needs assistance at home, then? Here are four signs that seniors need a personal assistant.

Difficulty Carrying Out Daily Activities

Observe if your loved ones have difficulty carrying out daily activities. This will help determine whether they need more assistance to carry out their daily activities such as:

  • Cleaning and bathing
  • Dressing
  • Toileting
  • Continence
  • Moving when walking (e.g., moving from the bed to a chair)
  • Having a meal and a beverage

Adjustments to Physical Appearance and Functions

Watch out for any physical changes in your elderly parent. They may be too embarrassed to share the information and would usually prefer to carry out personal hygiene routines in the privacy of their own home.

These are some indications that they may need personal assistance:

  • Significant weight loss brought on by poor eating habits and challenges with cooking, eating, and grocery shopping.
  • Wearing filthy clothes or dressed incorrectly for the season or weather as a result of dressing challenges
  • Body odor and poor personal hygiene as a result of infrequent washing or showering
  • A noteworthy reduction in grooming practices and personal care is indicated by unkempt hair, untrimmed nails, or poor dental hygiene.
  • Bruises, cuts, or other physical marks that might be a sign of falls or changes in mobility

Decline in Cognitive Functions

Cognitive decline is one of the most common signs that seniors need a personal assistant. When an elder’s cognitive functions start to decline, it means their memory has started to weaken, making it hard for them to remember simple daily activities like what time to take their medication or when to eat. These are not the only signs that tell your elderly parent requires personal assistance. Other signs include:

  • Confusion and disorientation in familiar environments
  • Having difficulty finding words while speaking
  • Difficulty with decision making
  • Forgetfulness, especially when it comes to personal hygiene and other daily activities
  • Repetitions in speech
  • Lack of ability to finish sentences
  • Changes in behavioral patterns
  • Getting lost due to the inability to remember locations and places

Neglecting Household Responsibilities

One of the most common signs that your elderly parent needs personal assistance is when they become unable to keep up with everyday household chores.

  • Dirty or moist furniture or carpet
  • Changes to the cleanliness and organization of the home
  • Unpaid bills, collection calls, or utility disconnections
  • A urine stench in the home can be a sign of incontinence

The next step is to communicate with your parents about their changing requirements for care if you observe any of the warning signals above in either of them. To ensure everyone is on the same page and prevent surprises, it is helpful to have early conversations about the future with elderly parents. Introduce the topic politely about how personal assistants might be helpful. Talk to them in a way that will enable them to take part in determining the underlying issue(s) and developing solutions.

Remember that these warning signs don’t always indicate that a relocation to a nursing home or assisted living is necessary. However, their existence does suggest the necessity for some kind of regular supporting assistance.

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